“Powerless in Paradise: The Energy Crisis Plaguing Gilgit-Baltistan”

Gilgit-Baltistan, located in the northernmost region of Pakistan, is home to a diverse population and breathtaking landscapes. However, it is also grappling with an energy crisis that has wreaked havoc on the lives of its residents. The crisis is often attributed to the region’s overall colonial status, but there are several other factors at play that are often overlooked.

One of the major factors contributing to the energy crisis is the failure of elected representatives. Many of the representatives elected to serve the region have not prioritized the energy needs of their constituents. Instead, they have focused on personal gains, leaving the region to suffer from prolonged power outages.

Another factor is the malfunctioning of existing systems. The energy infrastructure in Gilgit-Baltistan is outdated and in dire need of an upgrade. The transmission and distribution lines are old and damaged, leading to power loss during transmission. Furthermore, the region’s power plants are unable to produce enough energy to meet the growing demand of the population.

Corruption in the political and civil representatives and bureaucracy has also played a significant role in exacerbating the crisis. Funds allocated for the improvement of the energy infrastructure have been embezzled or diverted to other projects, leaving the energy sector neglected and underfunded.

In addition to the factors contributing to the energy crisis in Gilgit-Baltistan, there is also a significant untapped power-producing potential in the region. The region is home to vast natural resources, including water, wind, and solar energy. However, due to the lack of investment and attention, these resources remain largely untapped. The region has a total installed capacity of only 57 MW, which is a small fraction of its actual potential. According to estimates, the hydropower potential in the region is around 50,000 MW, while wind and solar energy could provide an additional 10,000 MW. The failure to harness this potential has left the region dependent on non-renewable energy sources and vulnerable to the current energy crisis.

The impact of the energy crisis on the lives of the people of Gilgit-Baltistan is devastating. The region’s economy heavily relies on tourism, and prolonged power outages have discouraged tourists from visiting. The lack of electricity has also affected the health sector, with hospitals struggling to operate medical equipment and provide adequate healthcare services. The education sector has also suffered, with schools unable to provide basic facilities such as lighting and heating during the winter months.

In 2018, the government launched the Gilgit-Baltistan Sustainable Energy Development Strategy (GBSEDS) to address the energy crisis. The strategy aims to generate renewable energy and reduce the region’s reliance on non-renewable energy sources. However, the implementation of the strategy has been slow, and the impact on the ground is yet to be seen.

The construction of Diamer Basha Dam and Dassu Dam could potentially have a significant impact on addressing the energy crisis in Gilgit-Baltistan. Diamer Basha Dam, once completed, will have a total capacity of 4,500 MW, making it one of the largest hydropower projects in the world. The dam is expected to generate around 18,000 GWh of electricity annually, which could significantly reduce the region’s reliance on non-renewable energy sources. The construction of the dam is also expected to create job opportunities and boost economic development in the region.

Similarly, the construction of the Dassu Dam is expected to generate 4,320 MW of electricity and create job opportunities for the local population. However, the construction of these dams has also been met with criticism from some environmentalists and local communities, who argue that the dams could have adverse impacts on the environment and the lives of the local people. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that the construction of these dams follows international environmental and social standards and that the concerns of the local people are adequately addressed. If done correctly, the construction of these dams could significantly contribute to addressing the energy crisis in Gilgit-Baltistan and boost the region’s economic development.

One of the critical challenges in addressing the energy crisis in Gilgit-Baltistan is the lack of representation of the region’s voices in federal-level energy platforms and institutions. The region’s energy needs and potential are often overlooked, and their voices are not heard in important decision-making processes. Even when there is space allocated for the region’s representation, it remains vacant due to the lack of understanding of the energy issue at the local decision-making platforms. The incompetence of the local representatives and institutions is also a significant factor in keeping these important representative platforms vacant. As a result, the region continues to suffer from an energy crisis that has severe consequences for the lives of its residents. It is crucial for the federal and local institutions to work together and ensure that the region’s voices are heard, and its energy needs and potential are given due consideration in decision-making processes.

The energy crisis in Gilgit-Baltistan is not unique to the region. In Pakistan, around 62 million people lack access to electricity, and the energy shortfall in the country is estimated to be around 4,500 megawatts. This shortfall leads to prolonged power outages, affecting industries, businesses, and households across the country.

To address the energy crisis in Gilgit-Baltistan, there is a pressing need to build the capacity of local leaders who represent the region at the federal level. They need to be equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to advocate for the region’s energy needs and potential effectively. Additionally, civil society and political parties should play an active role in advocating for the region’s energy needs and potential. They can create a movement and raise awareness among the masses about the importance of addressing the energy crisis in the region. The federal government should also prioritize the energy crisis in Gilgit-Baltistan and allocate adequate resources to address it. This could include investing in renewable energy projects, ensuring the proper functioning of existing systems, and holding accountable those responsible for the failures and corruption that have contributed to the crisis. Only by working together and prioritizing the energy crisis in Gilgit-Baltistan can we ensure a sustainable and prosperous future for the region and its people.

Neglected and Overlooked: The Plight of Marginalized Communities on the Karakorum Highway

The Karakorum Highway is a vital artery that connects Pakistan to China, passing through the rugged terrain of Gilgit-Baltistan. Despite its economic significance, the highway remains one of the most dangerous roads in the world, with an average of 25 fatalities reported every year. Unfortunately, the marginalized communities of Gilgit-Baltistan are among the worst affected by this state of affairs. The lack of affordable and quality transport has left many people with no choice but to risk their lives every day, just to get to work or go about their routine business. The government’s lack of interest in improving transportation in the region is unacceptable, and the monopoly of the private transport sector has only made matters worse. The people of Gilgit-Baltistan deserve better. They deserve a safe and reliable transportation system that allows them to access basic necessities and opportunities without fear of loss of life or limb. The government must take immediate action to provide affordable and quality transport to the people of Gilgit-Baltistan, to help break the cycle of poverty and neglect that has plagued the region for far too long. It is time for the government to step up and show its commitment to the people of Gilgit-Baltistan. They must take the necessary steps to ensure that the Karakorum Highway is safe and accessible to all, regardless of their socioeconomic status. The marginalized communities of Gilgit-Baltistan deserve no less.

It is important to note that the ongoing issues with transportation in Gilgit-Baltistan are deeply rooted in the region’s colonial status. Despite being an administrative part of Pakistan, Gilgit-Baltistan remains one of the country’s least developed regions, with no representation in the country’s parliament. This lack of representation has left the region’s inhabitants with few avenues to voice their concerns and seek redress for the numerous violations of their basic rights. In the absence of proper representation, the marginalized communities of Gilgit-Baltistan are left to suffer in silence. The lack of investment in transportation infrastructure and the monopoly of the private sector are just two examples of the many ways in which their basic rights are violated on a daily basis. This situation must change, and the government must take immediate steps to grant Gilgit-Baltistan the same rights and privileges as any other region of the country.

The inadequate transportation system in Gilgit-Baltistan not only puts people’s lives at risk, but it also limits their access to education, health and employment opportunities. This has contributed to a vicious cycle of poverty and deprivation, with many young people forced to out-migrate in search of a better life. The lack of education, health and employment opportunities at home compels the people of this region to opt for this unsafe transport. On the other hand, the lack of safe and reliable transportation makes it difficult for the youth to attend higher education and for families to access basic healthcare services. It also makes it harder for people to find work, as many job opportunities are located in the mainland. This lack of access to education, health, and employment opportunities perpetuates the cycle of poverty and marginalization in the region. Transportation issue in Gilgit-Baltistan is not only a matter of public safety, but also a matter of social and economic justice. By providing affordable and quality transportation, the government can help break the cycle of poverty and marginalization in the region, and create new opportunities for the youth of Gilgit-Baltistan to thrive. This is a matter of urgency, and the government must act now to ensure that the people of Gilgit-Baltistan have the same opportunities and freedoms as any other citizens of the country.

It is important to note that Gilgit-Baltistan is a disputed region according to the United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan (UNCIP) resolutions of 1948. As the administrator of the region, Pakistan is bound to provide subsidies on a number of goods and services, including transportation. This is in recognition of the fact that Gilgit-Baltistan is a disputed region and that its inhabitants have been denied many of the rights and privileges enjoyed by other citizens of the country. However, despite this obligation, the government has failed to provide adequate subsidies to the people of Gilgit-Baltistan, particularly in the area of transportation. The high cost of private transport has made it difficult for many people to access basic necessities, and the lack of investment in public transport has left them with few alternatives. This is a clear violation of the obligations that the government has towards the people of Gilgit-Baltistan, and it must be addressed as a matter of urgency.

The inadequate transportation system in Gilgit-Baltistan is not only the result of a lack of government interest, but it is also a result of the hegemony and corruption of the National Highway Authority (NHA), the Frontier Works Organization (FWO), and the Excise Police. These organizations have a responsibility to maintain the Karakorum Highway and ensure that vehicles operating on the road are fit for use, but they have failed to fulfill these responsibilities properly. The NHA, which is responsible for the maintenance of the Karakorum Highway, has neglected its duties, resulting in dangerous road conditions that have claimed the lives of many. The FWO, which is responsible for the construction of the roads, has also been criticized for poor workmanship, which has contributed to the ongoing transportation issues in the region. The Excise Police, which is responsible for checking the fitness of vehicles, has also been accused of corruption, allowing unfit vehicles to operate on the road. These organizations must be held accountable for their actions, and the government must take immediate steps to ensure that they are fulfilling their responsibilities properly. The people of Gilgit-Baltistan have the right to safe and reliable transportation, and it is the government’s responsibility to provide it. The government must also take action to address the corruption and hegemony within these organizations, and ensure that they are operating in the best interests of the people.

It is time for the civil society and indigenous political parties in Gilgit-Baltistan to come together and voice their concerns about the ongoing transportation issues. The government’s lack of interest in addressing these problems is unacceptable, and it is up to the people of Gilgit-Baltistan to demand change. By coming out and protesting against the colonial state, they can raise awareness about the ongoing violations of basic rights and help to bring about much-needed change. The people of Gilgit-Baltistan must make their voices heard, and they must use their collective power to pressure the government into taking action. The transportation issue is just one example of the many ways in which their rights are being violated, and it is time for the government to take action and grant them the same freedoms and privileges as any other citizens of the country. In a nutshell, the transportation issue in Gilgit-Baltistan is a matter of public safety, social justice, and environmental protection. The inadequate transportation system, with its monopoly on the private transport sector, is taking the lives of many and causing significant harm to the environment. The government must take immediate action to improve the transportation system in the region, and to address the hegemony and corruption within organizations like the National Highway Authority, the Frontier Works Organization, and the Excise Police. The people of Gilgit-Baltistan deserve safe and reliable transportation, and the government must provide it. The civil society and indigenous political parties must also play a role in advocating for their rights, and in holding the government accountable for its actions. The future of Gilgit-Baltistan depends on addressing these ongoing transportation issues, and the government must act now to ensure a brighter future for the people and the environment of the region.