Toxic Positivity: Balancing Positivity and Authenticity in Mental Health

In recent years, the concept of “toxic positivity” has gained attention in discussions surrounding mental health and wellbeing. Toxic positivity refers to the idea that individuals must maintain a positive mindset and avoid negativity at all costs, even if it means suppressing or denying their emotions. While positivity and optimism can be helpful in certain situations, toxic positivity can have harmful effects on mental health and wellbeing.

Toxic positivity can manifest in a variety of ways. For example, some individuals may dismiss or downplay the emotions of others by telling them to “just think positive” or “look on the bright side.” This can be particularly harmful for those struggling with mental health issues, as it can make them feel like their emotions are not valid or that they are being judged for not being able to “get over it.”

Another way toxic positivity can manifest is through the pressure to constantly be happy and optimistic, even in difficult circumstances. This can lead to feelings of guilt or shame for not being able to maintain a positive attitude, which can further exacerbate mental health issues. Additionally, constantly suppressing negative emotions can lead to increased stress, anxiety, and even physical health issues.

The promotion of toxic positivity is often perpetuated through social media, where individuals are expected to curate a perfect, happy life for their followers to see. This can create unrealistic expectations for both oneself and others, leading to feelings of inadequacy and further perpetuating toxic positivity.

In contrast to toxic positivity, it is important to promote a more balanced approach to emotions and mental health. This includes acknowledging and accepting all emotions, both positive and negative, as valid and important. It also involves providing support and understanding to those who may be struggling with mental health issues, rather than dismissing or judging their emotions.

One way to promote a more balanced approach to emotions is through mindfulness practices, which involve being present and accepting of one’s emotions without judgment. This can help individuals become more aware of their emotions and better equipped to manage them in a healthy way.

Examples & Possible Healthy Responses

  1. Example of toxic positivity: Telling someone with depression to “just think positive” or “look on the bright side.” Healthy response: Acknowledge the person’s emotions and offer support. Say something like, “I’m sorry you’re feeling down. Is there anything I can do to support you?”
  2. Example of toxic positivity: Pressuring someone to always be happy and optimistic, even in difficult circumstances. Healthy response: Allow the person to express their emotions and offer empathy. Say something like, “It’s okay to feel upset or frustrated. I’m here to listen if you want to talk about it.”
  3. Example of toxic positivity: Dismissing someone’s anxiety by telling them to “just relax” or “stop worrying.” Healthy response: Validate the person’s feelings and offer practical support. Say something like, “I understand that you’re feeling anxious. Is there anything I can do to help you feel more comfortable?”
  4. Example of toxic positivity: Ignoring your own emotions and pushing yourself to always be positive, even when you’re struggling. Healthy response: Allow yourself to feel all of your emotions and prioritize self-care. Say something like, “It’s okay to not feel okay. I’m going to take some time to focus on my own wellbeing and practice self-care.”

In conclusion, toxic positivity can have harmful effects on mental health and wellbeing. It’s important to acknowledge and accept all emotions as valid and important, and to provide support and understanding to those who may be struggling with mental health issues. To promote a more balanced approach to emotions, mindfulness practices can be helpful in allowing individuals to become more aware of their emotions and better equipped to manage them in a healthy way. It’s also important to prioritize self-care and allow ourselves to feel all of our emotions, both positive and negative. By promoting a more balanced approach to emotions and mental health, we can create a more supportive and understanding environment for ourselves and those around us. As a recommendation, it is crucial to practice empathy, validation and providing practical support to those who are struggling with their emotions, and prioritize self-care to maintain a healthy mental state.